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Good Morning, Starshine!
Solomon was snuggled with me in bed this morning when I felt him stir and heard him make some soft noises. I looked down to where he was nestled in my underarm and he was staring right at me. He seems so happy when he wakes up. The first order of the day was to get a clean diapy. Perhaps this contributes to his disposition, knowing that a change is on the horizon. During diapy change Solomon talked up a storm. He doesn’t say much other than ahh, ay, or heehee yet. But I swear I heard “goo” today. And this all before he’s had his breakfast. The boy cracks me up. I’m lucky (in too many ways to count) that he puts up with the camera so willingly. Here is Solomon’s To Do list for the day: Eat. Play on tummy. Sit in swing (note: not too long else Mommy thinks she can leave me there). Watch the cute baby in the mirror while Mommy showers. Lie in the sun with no diapy while Mommy reads Harper’s. Eat. Go to lunch with Mommy’s friends. Attempt to shoplift sunblock at grocery store. Eat. Walk my doggy. Visit friend Natalie and her Mommy. Fall asleep while in Jeep. Eat. Play with Daddy. Eat. Go to bed. Also of note today, the dove we check on every day has
chicks now instead of eggs.
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