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Chillin' with Nany
Nany came over for the weekend to catch up on Solomon's feats. Or feets, given his knack for sticking them in his mouth or otherwise using them for entertainment. Solomon took full advantage of his new audience by displaying his bag of tricks, most of which include shoving something in his mouth or grabbing something we don't want him to grab (i.e. hair, jewelry, eyeglasses, tender skin on my neck). The Boy then talked Nany into a snuggle nap (hey, where'd that hour go?) while Mommy and Daddy sneaked off to see Little Miss Sunshine (highly recommended). Okay, we didn't actually sneak away, that would be cruel.
The Boy also wishes to pass along his news. Since Mommy's typing, she picks the first item to be the fact that he slept from 8:30pm until 7:30am WITH NO CRYING! There is a chance however, that this was at least partially brought on by the trauma of a bee sting during our evening walk. Daddy heard a fuss then saw the bee on Solomon's lip. At first we were unsure if Solomon was really stung, since he only cried for 15 seconds or so. Then his lip swelled so that he looked as if he had been in a brouhaha. No stinger was visible, so we just stuck a reusable ice cube on it. Solomon was so interested in sucking the cube that I could hardly keep it on the boo-boo. At this point, we're considering looking to arrange a bee sting every night as part of the sleep prep. Plus it was good practice for the shots The Boy endured at today's doctor visit. Solomon is healthy (duh), with his weight is dead center (17 pounds, 12 ounces). His height has slipped back down to the 25th percentile. That's okay, though, because Doug Flutie is only 5'6" and I don't believe for a second that Steve Nash is really 6'3".
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