Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny

Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Zoo Baby

We went to Toledo again. It was mid-60's out and sunny, which made for happy zoo critters. There were at least 3 primate babies - a gibbon, orangutan, and spider monkey. Can't remember which one is pictured, other than it's not the orang.
The polar bear cub is 10 months old now. He was less than a pound at birth and is over 200 lbs now. That's some growth curve.
Again, Solomon was thrilled at the animal antics. It's hard to get a photo of him enjoying the animals due to bad angles, so you'll have to make due with these shots of him discovering a crane statue and just being thrilled to be at the zoo.
The playscape was our lunch spot - he hardly slowed down for bites of pb&j.


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