Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
Holy Roller!
Remember yesterday when Solomon attempted to steal the sunblock? The full story was that I had set the sunblock in Solomon’s car seat because it kept slipping through the bars of the cart. I checked out and paid when I noticed the sunblock still in Solomon’s car seat. I humbly admit that it flashed through my mind that I could take it. But of course I got back in line and paid for the sunblock. So I think Karma has put in a good word for me.
Today Solomon rolled over for the first time. At least the first time I know about – I recently read that babies often try out their new tricks while sleeping. Although now that I think about it, he couldn’t roll front to back while sleeping for several reasons, not the least of which is that he sleeps swaddled on his back. The rolling is a glory in and of itself, but I caught it on film! Or on the digital media that substitutes for film these days. The photos are blurry and thus only the concept is really that cute.
To make up for it, I’m including a “plain” cute photo. Just to keep you, dear reader, interested.
Daddy says, "Congrats, my little guy!" I can't wait to see you today.
How neat to be included in Solomon's first rollover. Almost as good as being there, but not quite. See you tomorrow sweet baby.
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