Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
Scott, Solomon, and I walk the neighborhood for 30-45 minutes every evening. Not once have we been stopped by strangers who inquired about our baby. But when Mama H and Fiona made a surprise visit from California and joined Solomon and me walking (Scott was playing ball), we were stopped twice. The first people asked how old our babies were and when we both answered "five months," they asked if the babies both belonged to the same Mommy. Two blocks later we got the same question about the age of our babies. The gentlemen had the keen sense to know that the children were not twins, but then asked if Mama H and I were twins (not just sisters, mind you). Fraternal twins, he added.
Looking at Solomon and Fiona together, one could hardly mistake them for twins (it's also a stretch to put Heather and me in the same sibset). Heather lovingly refers to her darling as "a beautiful giantess." At nearly 20 pounds, Fiona is on the fast track, doing the baby version of the Downward Dog and other high-falootin' (sp?) motor tricks. She'll be crawling in a couple weeks. She'd most certainly take Solomon out in a fight, so we've warned The Boy not too get to fresh with Fee (we fantasize that they might court in the distant future).
Heather and I continue to marvel at the parallel tracks of our families. That Solomon was born the same week as Fiona has been a special bonding point for us. There's more, but it borders on TMI. It was so dear that she and her Fiona Bear could spend time with us.
And Solomon didn't cry at all when we put him to bed last night.
this was such a special day for us! seeing fiona with solomon made me optimistic about the world. so nice to feel this way...
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