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The Week In Review
Ready or not, here I come.
In this photo, I was trying to capture Solomon crawling. He was so intrigued by the strap on my camera that I couldn't keep him far enough away to get a good shot.
Dig your hat, Uncle Roger.
Granny T sure has a cuddley lap.
The day after Thanksgiving, Granny T generously offered to watch Solomon while Scott and I took some time away. First we went to see Casino Royale. Good action and stunts, not too over the top with special effects. Traditional James Bond, with the modern century PC downplay of the womanizing. Highly recommended. After the flick, we ate some Skyline. Higly recommended, but only if you can get it fresh. Forget the canned or frozen versions. With full bellies, we ventured over to Yellow Springs. YS is a tiny hippie/new age/granola village near Dayton. I frequented the town in college and in the years after. At first I thought Yellow Springs had changed. But Ha-Ha's Pizza was still there, as was the toy store. What seems to have changed is I. Is it possible that I'm too old for Yellow Springs? How sad. I think the town doesn't captivate me these days because I no longer wear 14 silver rings and reek of patchouli. No longer recommended. (Except for the nature center - Glen Helen. Always recommended.)
Do I have rice cake on my face?
It is funny how age changes our perception. In 78 when I arrived as a new bride from england I hated yellow springs. We moved back 5 years ago and now I LOVE Yellow Springs. I can indulge in my art. hey did you check out the art gallery in the local loo (at the train station), or find any bits of art (my friends and I leave art all over town), or hear the piano player in the emporium cafe, or taste the soup wenches concoctions. Did you get to see Gregory's studios of wonders? anyways, sorry ys didn't do it for you. Sometimes you just can't go back eh!
all the best
5 way chili is yummy
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