Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
False Modesty
Yeah, I know, more shots of diapy-free time. Well, it's either that or no photos from the day - and we've already missed one day. Easy choice. Plus, this way we can show off (a tiny section of)Solomon's new rug from Ikea. In this set of pix, I got a rare full-body shot with no need for censoring. Solomon insists it was an accident; he's really into exhibitionism. Diapy-free time was supposed to precede a bath in the baby pool this afternoon, but the water turned out to be too cold for The Boy's taste. So of course we just hung out in the yard.
I don't really mind how one day so much resembles another. The slower pace of life is far from boring. Instead it affords me the chance to hang out with the most amazing baby ever.
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