Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny

Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Visualize Whirrled Peas

For Solomon's first meal that wasn't cereal, I thought I'd fix him up some smashed-up organic peas. No likey the peas; such a disappointment to Mommy. I'm not sure you can tell from the photos, but Solomon does like sweet potatoes (not to be confused with yams, which I understand are not yummy at all. Most people use the terms interchangably, but true yams are gernerally not available around here).
I've also gone over the edge and cooked up organic millet porridge
. If it doesn't sound like a big deal, just try and find organic millet. Then one must grind the millet into powder. It was a big hit, but possibly because he doesn't know yet that it's so much better with butter and salt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you make organic millet porridge for Thanksgiving this year??

3:09 PM  
Blogger Solo's Ma said...

JD, you'd better be careful what you wish for!

9:04 AM  

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