Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
Events and Non-events
There are only so many places a Mommy can go wearing a tie-dye that matches the one on her baby, and not get weird looks. One is the county fair. Another is Wal-Mart. Lucky for the reader, I do not have a photo of this event. The problem with the whole thing is that Wal-Mart did not have what we needed, thus necessitating a trip to Target. Now Target ain't exactly Saks, but it's also not the place that one typically sees Mommies and babies wearing coordinating togs. But I'm over it. To prove it, I've included random photos of Solomon. Wait, that doesn't make any sense; I just needed a bridge.
This has been a busy week. With Scott back at work, Solo's Ma and The Boy find themselves filling most moments with things other than making blog entries. Mostlly, it's the quotidian tasks of eating, cleaning, errands, and napping (not nearly enough of that last one) that fill our days. Fortunately, it doesn't mean that I've neglected to take photos, just that I haven't had the time to edit and post. There are two additional reasons for the dearth of entries this week. One is that I sent my camera in to Olympus because the processor is jacked. It was previously fixed by Olympus last winter, but apparently the fix didn't hold. When I called them about it they said that their work was guaranteed only for six months. I vowed to tell everyone I knew about their lousy service if they didn't fix the thing for free. Olympus made no promises, so I'll have to keep you posted as to how amenable they turn out to be. The other issue is that my freakin' computer won't load photos up to Blogspot. I have to use Scott's, which he happens to need for work. Thus, I am taking full advantage of the Mac being home for the weekend.
P.S. Thank's to Mama H and Fiona for sending along the cranky pants. I swear Solomon was actually cranky at the time I picked them out for him to wear.
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