Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny

Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

(Don't) Take Me Out To The Ball Game

The big plan for today was to take Solomon to his first baseball game. Not just any baseball game, mind you. The Reds were in town. Since the schedule first came out, we’d dreamed of taking the boy to the stadium. The fantasy was all smiles and good times (as fantasies are prone to be) with photographic evidence that would bring us joy for years to come.
As it turns out, it’s really a pain to make it all happen. When we woke up this morning, we started thinking of all the things we had to do (groceries, drug store, nap, etc.) and the added challenges of having an infant at the game. Plus last night was a SRO crowd and the thought of arriving at Comerica only to discover there were no seats was, well, dismal. So we nixed the idea and watched the game on the tele. Solomon is giving the Reds the raspberries for losing.
Or maybe he’s doing that to us for looking like such a dorky family.


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