If this seems like déjà vu to you, don’t worry. The first photo I put on this blog is eerily similar: dark and light blue stripes, propped on a boppy, belly laugh. Uncanny, no?
Last night after the 1:00AM feeding, as I was trying desperately to fall back asleep, I was reminded of a story by Kurt Vonnegut called “Harrison Bergeron,” that I read years ago. In it everyone is somehow made to be equal. For instance, a person with above average intelligence had a noise blasted in his ear every so often for the purpose of derailing his thought train. Ten points to anyone who knows where I’m going with this. As is the custom when I’m not quite sleeping, I think through plans and ideas; solve problems. Such was the case last night. A friend is due with her first child in August and I was contemplating the things I wish I had known when Solomon first arrived. Indeed, the things I still wish had answers. In my head I started compiling a note of sorts in which I shared my experience. Careful not to be preachy or offer unwanted advice, I focused on short assurances. Then I heard a baby grunt from the other room and the vision was gone. All I remember now is that I want to tell her, “In the end, do what you think is best for your baby.”
Click here to read "Harrison Bergeron"
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