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Sunday, July 23, 2006
In A Nutshell
During our stay in Columbus, we stuck to some tried and true activities, such as diapy-free time in the back yard and playing in water. As noted earlier, Solomon learned to grab his toes. His eyes are definitely changing color. They're a brownish hazel in the center and just not really blue at all any more.
Nany was happy to have extended play time with The Boy. For one day we went to visit Aunt Sali at Lost Hollow. Our matching outfits were appreciated by the folks there. Sali took us on a golf cart tour, then a short hike at Ash Cave. She was especially proud that her dogs put their best sides forward for the photo. The day was opressively hot, but we pushed on. Finally, I took Solomon to meet his great-grandfather, Pappy, at the cemetary in Circleville.
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