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Little Boy Blue
Solomon and I had a snuggle nap this morning, a rare event that I treasure. It’s not so much a time for me to sleep as it is a time for me to cuddle and stare at the boy. Sleeping from 9:30-11 is common for Solomon if he's in his car or I'm holding him. During those times I’m usually trying to get something done. Today however, I did fall asleep. Solomon woke me around 10:45 by squirming and knocking us both with his fists (there’s a reason we call them his “bonkers”). He was due to eat around 11 and I couldn’t un-fuss him with the usual trick of walking in circles through the kitchen and living room, so we settled down to eat just a tad earlier than I had anticipated. I turned the TV to Nash Bridges, a secret indulgence that is now not so secret. USA Network shows back-to-back episodes at 10 and 11. The first show ended and instead of seeing Don Johnson, Chuck Norris appeared to introduce Walker, Texas Ranger. Cranky that the schedule had changed, I flipped on the guide to pick out another show. I was horrified to find that it was now noon. No wonder Solomon was so fussy.
I LOVE cuddle naps, and love imagining you and your sweet boy enjoying one together. Also- once I got caught in traffic after a shooting on the Bay Bridge. The guy in the car in lane next to me was really friendly and allowed me to use his cell phone to call work; he told me he was an actor and the bridge delay was holding up the shooting of a scene from Nash Bridges.:-) He said it had something to do with a mafia car bombing. That night on the way to see a play with a friend I was terrified to see a horrific sight; a limo bombed... glass everywhere... burned interior... until I realized that it was the Nash Bridges set.
Solomon is having a very good hair day here. He looks very dapper in his blue outfit. What a great smile he has. Can't wait to see him and how much he has grown. Tell him his granpa is doing fine and we both love him a lot.
Granny T.
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