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A Visit From Nany
Much apologies for yesterday, the day of no new Solomon news. Reason being is that Nany was here for a holiday weekend visit and we were quite busy.
Solomon was thrilled to have another person to whom he could show off his ever-improving cooing and laughing skills.
Nany made up songs to sing to him and did more than her share of diapy changes, but not before Solomon made fountains all over Mommy. Twice in a row. He had enough manners not to initiate Nany in the diapy jokes right off the bat. Nany sewed Solomon some groovy threads. It’s hard to tell in the photo, but there’s a funky caterpillar crawling on the leg. The other pair is orange with a big, fat ladybug up the side.
As a bonus, Nany is going to make clothes for Solo’s Ma. Dreams do come true.
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