The Boy King
Natuarally, Solomon believes that the title of this post refers to himself. It's an easy mistake. There are two things that come to mind when I hear “King Tut”. The second is the poster my mom’s friend, Dorothy, brought back from the NYC Tut exhibit in the 1970’s. It decorated my room for years. The first thing I think of is Steve Martin. Sorry. Solomon and I had the good fortune to visit the Tutankhamun exhibit at the Field Museum.
The Boy was not so impressed with the show, sleeping through most of it. No strollers were permitted, so he had to travel in the carrier. It was quite crowded, reminding me again of the line in the song, “People wait in line to see the Boy King.” I think the man working near the gift shop should wear something other than a t-shirt. We didn’t have much time to see other parts of the museum, but we managed to get a couple good photo ops in. In the Senegal exhibit, I thought the woman and I had similar burdens. Until I noticed her Louis Vuitton luggage.
Love the outfit on the Ma
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