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Things That Go Waaaa! In The Night
There's a reason that babies are so cute. A survivalist one.
We were so pleased that Solomon was cheery and pleasant when we took him to happy hour on Saturday. Solomon cruised through the normally fussy period of the 6 o’clock hour with hardly a peep. In fact, when we left at 7:30 he was still smiling.
Heaven knows what got into him after bedtime. Ten minutes after going to bed smoothly, he awoke howling as if there were hornets in his crib. We could find nothing wrong, and it took 20 minutes to calm him down. He did burp once – not a big belch, but maybe gas was the culprit.
The screaming snits happened two more times. Finally, I fed him again at 10:30, and then cuddled him in the chair until he fell asleep. Even at 1:30 he was having none of this laying down crap, so the snuggles continued. "No, Mommy! Don't put me down! No, Mommy! No, Mommy!" Scott took over at 4:45. The whole thing remains a mystery. He certainly is normal today. Just to top things off however, when Scott took Solomon to run errands so I could nap, I couldn't fall asleep. Rats.
It’s a good thing he’s so cute.
interesting... we took fiona to a poker party on saturday and she woke up at 3 a.m. ready to go to another one. i think these two are somehow consipiring. :-)
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