Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
I've lowered my standards for getting out of the house. It's not that we're getting out less, but I've changed the definition of "getting out" to include hanging out on a sheet in the backyard.
Solomon seems to think it's as good as going to the park. I'm hoping I can pull this type of stunt for years to come. Here are you new Toughskin jeans, Solomon. They're just as cool as Diesel. Trust Mommy on this.
These photos aren't the best I've taken. I had a darling one of us playing, but in the background Mili was squatting for some doggie business, and this is a family site.
Solomon had a rotten night Thursday. Thursdays have generally been rough as it's the night I work. The Boy threw a major snit around bedtime and wouldn't eat much. He ended up eating twice in the night and waking several times, besides. As a result, he slept in until 9 in the morning. Not a bad side effect, as far as those go. He looks none the worse for it.
Because I thought he might be extra tired, I decided not to try working on nap goals. Therefore, today's naps were in my arms. Okay, truth be told, I was feeling lonesome for him and extra cuddly. Thursdays are a bit rough for me, too. During the morning snuggle nap, I thought I'd try to get some leisure reading in. An ex-con gave me a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo. Seem ironic to you? I've read just a little so far. Solomon can sleep though fire engines and thunder storms, but the sound of Mommy turning the page in a book or magazine is a sure-fire wake-up call. Go figure.
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