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Nothing Comes Between Me and My Blankey
I'm all about having a blankey. I had mine into high school and would have kept it longer had I not left it at a friend's house where the friend's ma thought it was a rag and threw it away. Apparently my pediatrician thought I should be weaned of it, so when I was in early elementary, the doctor told my mom to cut it in half each week and throw half away. Needless to say I was horrified and my mom had the good sense not to follow that quack's advice.
I swear Solomon carries this blankey around. If I pick him up, the blankey comes, too, tight in his grabbers. He waves it in the air; he throws it over his face. But his favorite thing to do with the blankey is gum it to the point of dripping. Thus, the beginnings of oral exploration of his environment.
Also, a word about routine. I’m now convinced that walking Solomon to the park to watch Little League in the evenings is a precursor to a good bedtime. This will be hard to keep up. Especially after the season is over. When putting Solomon to bed tonight (after watching baseball), I had a feeling that he didn’t get enough to eat out of the milk machine. Being the irrational, obsessive worrier that I am, I warmed a bottle of stored milk and offered it to The Boy. He chugged that thing down like it was the last cup of coffee at an 12-step meeting. I wonder what this means for sleeping. Two dinners can either put me out for the count or keep me up with crazy dreams. What do you suppose a crazy baby dream is like? Mommy with a Mili head? Ceiling fan comes to life?
Our family is venturing to Chicago via Amtrak for a long weekend. I’m sorry to say that this probably means no blog postings for a few days. I promise to take lots of photos for future entries.
Happy Birthday to to best OCD Ma around.How can being organized be wrong?
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