Why, yes, Mama H, those are Robeez saddle shoes. Sharp eye. I absolutely love them. When I first saw them I passed them up, so as not to succomb to an impulse buy. I quickly returned to the store, and it's a good thing I did. Solomon wears them almost everyday. Once in a while he wears the dragonflies that Fiona sent, but his daddy is concerned that those are girlie.
Between these outfits and the "Purple Haze" outfit, Solo Man is already prepared for Halloween!
Are those the robeez saddle shoes? I was thinking about buying those for Fiona.
Why, yes, Mama H, those are Robeez saddle shoes. Sharp eye. I absolutely love them. When I first saw them I passed them up, so as not to succomb to an impulse buy. I quickly returned to the store, and it's a good thing I did. Solomon wears them almost everyday. Once in a while he wears the dragonflies that Fiona sent, but his daddy is concerned that those are girlie.
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