Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny
Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
Solomon's becoming a big-boy eater. He got more than he bargained for here.
Finally, enough snow dusting the ground to take Solomon out in the sled. While it was a battle to get The Boy into his snowsuit, the effort paid off. Solomon squealed with glee as Daddy played huskie,
dragging the sled across the ersatz tundra of (barely) snowy grass. The basketball court was a smoother ride.
Even though Solomon's hat kept falling over his eyes, it didn't dampen the fun.
Photos What Beg Captions
Practicing to be a performance artist in a major metropolis.
This sweater was Daddy's when Daddy was a baby. Daddy was a baby?
I'm well aware that this isnt' the most flattering photo in the bunch, but check out those chompers!
Solomon's Friend / Mommy's Friend
Look! It's Mama H and Fiona. The two were in Michigan from CA to visit Heather's family. We were blessed with a visit. It's hard to believe Fiona is merely a week older than Solomon. She's quite a fantastic girl, walking all over the place and drinking from a glass.
Solomon was agreeable to sharing his toys, but given their ages, parallel play was as good as could be expected.
I Wish I Was a Baller
Solomon learned to play ball. He picks up the ball, lifts it in the air, then throws the ball. The Boy loves the game, but secretly, I think I love it more.
Bilateral Otitis Media
After a month of a runny nose, a week of waning appetite, and two days of a 102.5+ fever, we finally took Solomon to the doctor. I swear he never pulled on his ears and he was still sleeping through the night. How was I to know? Looking at these photos, one can see that The Boy is not feeling right. Is there a better word than pathetic?
Fun Stuff
As previously noted, Solomon really likes putting stuff in his mouth.
He absolutely loves this mirror - and the baby in it.
Granny T and Pops got Solomon this bike for Christmas. He can't reach the pedals, but still finds it a scream.
Already he's pouring on the begging charm.
Please, mom, may I stay naked today?
Comparison Shopping
Solomon's idea of a carry-out menu?
Hey, mom, I bet this one could feed three babies!
More Christmas Fun
Nany comes by to continue the holiday extravaganza. She and The Boy sample the paw of Curious George. Tastes like chicken.
Solomon checks (checks, get it?) out his brainy blocks from Aunt Sali.
Solomon shows off the ultrasuede pants Nany made him. Fabulous!