Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny

Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lucky Penny

Solomon is a big brother! Penelope Jane was born 10/25/2007 at 08:28. She was a whopping 9lbs and 5oz. The Boy thinks the world of her, as do her parents. Solomon loves to give Penny kisses and pat her head. He calls her "Baby." He even offered her some of his lunch. The Boy is a little less forgiving of Mommy and Daddy, but he's handling the whole thing rather well, especially since he has a cold.
I guess I'll have to change the name of the blog.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Are You Tired Of The Zoo?

Here's some other stuff.
Before the Bengals turned out to be complete crap this season. Not that it stops The Boy from wearing his jersey every gameday, though.
I have no explaination for this.
Gabe and his dad hanging out with us at the EMU football game.
Eating raspberries faster than I can pick them.
Status post face plant down the front stoop.
Having picked a cherry tomato then deciding he didn't want to eat it. Then picking another, and deciding same.