Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny

Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Something to Tide You Over

I'd like to blame my lack of postings on laziness. Actually, that's probably more accurate than comedy. Here's a recent shot, apropos of nothing. Solomon is simply demonstrating that he still loves to eat. At this meal, he had an Indian chicken and lentil stew, with blueberries for dessert. If he's a good boy, he gets to drink the blueberry juice left over in the bowl. Come to think of it, he's never been denied this treat. I'd also like to take this opportunity to add that we've all but extinguished The Boy's food-throwing behavior. Turns out that behavior modification techniques really do work.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What Keeps Us So Busy

Here are just some of the activities that prevent more frequent blog updates.

1) Playing ball. Outside is, of course, best, but ball anywhere is, well, a ball.

2) Saving lost pets. Solomon discovered this kittie at our back door. Her name is "Feebie" and she lives two blocks away. She was wearing a color with a tag, so we called her people. When I said I had Feebie at my house, the woman said, "Who is this?" Like it mattered. When I explained, she offered to send her ex down to pick the kittie up. "She must have gotten out this morning." We kept Feebie on the porch via Mili's leash. Hey, you gotta do what works.

3) Planning Solomon's future. It's so bright... 4) Celebrating Mother's Day. What a perfect present! I don't think I'll be needing that gift receipt.

5) Swinging.

6) Practicing walking. The nice lady at daycare says Solomon has ventured up to 8 steps, but only when he thinks no one is looking. We can get him to do 5 or 6 at home, before he collapses into a giggling ball. We've told him that he's expected to walk by Memorial Day.