Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny

Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Seasonal Favorites

Yeah, it's been a while. In brief:
Grandpa and Grandma S visited in mid-November.
Nany came for Thanksgiving.

Solomon helps pick out a Christmas tree. Solomon demonstrates brotherly love to Penelope.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Got Sleep?

There hardly seems to be a break in which to get postings done. Penelope is approaching 4 weeks old. Solomon is still in love with his little sister, although he did attempt to step on her head today. We are short on sleep, but only slightly worse for it. As soon as I find another moment, we'll get more recent photos up, including some from recent family visits. For now, a couple shots from the past week, plus this one flashback from Solomon's first trip to Steak and Shake. I can't recall when it was, but he's only got a few teeth, so it was probably in the spring. We think he could be an add for them. The "career hats" were a big brother gift from friends. Solomon is quite fond of them. He says, "fia fi" when referring to the fire fighter lid.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Penny tries to work some mojo for the Bengals, and fails to lift them from their sorry slump. Clearly, not from lack of charisma.
Solomon tests Penny's bath seat ("seat" "Baby"), and finds it quite to his liking. Penny doesn't need it yet since she hasn't dropped her umbillical stump.
Now here's a first. I'm attempting to add a video that JD took. He's a cousin to Solomon and Penelope, be we've made him an honorary uncle. It's a tad dark and I haven't learned to edit video yet. Now that I'm reviewing it, I doubt you can see much at all. Here's a narrative: Solomon selects a toy foam sword from his play area, then attacks Daddy, who is reading the newspaper. I think we could win $10K with it, don't you?
The happy family. Turns out we kept forgetting to get a family photo when we had an extra pair or hands around. I finally remembered in the evening, just as Solomon was getting ready for his bath. Thus, he is pant-less. Also, Scott is bummed about the timing because he had just changed out of his dress-up clothes that he had worn to parent-teacher conferences. But, you got to get when the getting is good.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Happy Halloween

Schedules being what they are, the kids couldn't quite manage a photo together. Solomon didn't really get the Halloween thing, but he enjoyed the wagon ride around the bustling neighborhood. We even let him eat a fruit roll-up. Otherwise, he and his friend, Ian, just collected coins for UNICEF.
In other news, all is going as smoothly as can be expected. Lack of sleep aside, it's a magical time in our house.