Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny
Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
Hello, it's me.
Sure, it's poor grammar. I figure anyone even bothering to check this blog might forgive me if I just put up some new photos. Let's see, last post was in April. Would you believe that not much has happened since then? Solomon plays school every day. Penny wants to do whatever Solomon is doing. She also wears a Batman cape and mask more days than not.
Above is the first snow worth anything. It didn't actually stick to the sidewalk enough to show cat prints, which is the usual threshold for "first snow." However, Penny and Solomon weren't aware of that requirement.
I got the children to pose for these photos because they wanted "ID badges" with which to play work. Penny's was polices officer, Solomon was teacher. Until the next day, when Solomon was "apple seller."