Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny
Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
Random recent shots.
Solomon imitates a winner.
Solomon reads! Later, he eats the same book.
Solomon shows off his cool kicks. And Mommy's clean floor.
It's All Relative
A recent trip to The Fort for Daddy's 20th High School reunion had the added benefit of a visit with Aunties, cousins, Granny T and Pops. Somehow we only ended up with photos of Aunt Chris and Granny T. Sorry. The reunion was quite an affair. When we were packing I asked Scott if he was sure I didn't need to pack a skirt. His comment that it was going to be the kind of event in which I would be more embarassed for being overdressed. He was right. Fried chicken, corn, green beans, and rolls served in a bar. Thus, no glamorous photo of us going out.
Next was a visit from Nany. While browsing the internets for cheap infant costumes, we decided to make our own. I can't give away the secret now. Instead, you just get to see The Boy and Nany during halftime of Cincy @ Pittsburgh. Who Dey!
Another Post About Food
When I first offered avocado to Solomon, he was less than enthusiastic. I was worried. Who wouldn't like avocado? Well, me for one. That is until I was at least 35. I don't know what was wrong with me. The good news is that I believe The Boy was just in a funk at that time.
Since then, he's eaten up all the avocados I can mash. And I've made some barley porridge to try next. I actually called the pediatrician to inquire about the possibility that I was overfeeding Solomon. In general, the books I read suggest that 2-4 tablespoons of cereal and a tablespoon or two of a fruit or veggie is a meal. Three times a day Solomon eats about twice that much. He such a little piggy.
For anyone with a warped mind, Solomon's bib says "SPIT Happens." What kind of people did you think we were?
Who Needs Toys?

Sure, stuffed monkeys and teething rings are nice. But what could be more exciting than a sock? Or a diaper liner?
Sitting On Top Of The World
Yeah! Solomon sits unsupported! The Boy tumbles over after a while, but it's getting better everyday. I had to stick him in the chair to get a good shot of the sailor get-up, which is the catalyst of controversy in our home. Not the chair, but the duds. I find it incredibly cute, and since I get to dress him, Solomon gets to wear it. Daddy's opinion is that the sailor suit is less than manly. I just remind him of Top Gun - those guys were studs. But then again, I'm remembering the beach volleyball scene. Come to think of it, they never wore uniforms like this. But the Village People did in their video for "In The Navy."
Solomon has clearly identified the camera as a cue for making cute. Throw in a stint in the jumpy thing and you've got a winning combination. Of all the independent activity contraptions, The Boy likes this best. He's taken to making huge bounces, occasionally kicking a leg straight out, a la stereotypical Russian dancer.
Solomon's even stealing the stage in this shot of the whole family. Mommy and Daddy are on their way to a wedding, Solomon is staying behind with a babysitter (who graciously took this photo). I'm surprised he's not winking.
Winning Teams
Granny T picked up the Notre Dame jersey when she visited South Bend. Solomon was happy to cheer the Irish on as they beat Penn State. Mommy encourages The Boy to root for Michigan, despite her upbringing in Buckeye-land. After all, Mommy has a degree from U of M, not OSU. Daddy wants Solomon to be an Ohio State fan. In the spirit of fairness, Solomon wore an OSU onsie the day of Buckeyes vs. Longhorns, but then urinated all over it before Mommy could take a photo. I'm sure he meant nothing by it. Then again, there's the story about the dog that whizzed on the Russian spaceship. It became a tradition/superstition for the cosmonauts to repeat the behavior before a mission. Something to think about.
And, hey, the Bengals won!

Events and Non-events
There are only so many places a Mommy can go wearing a tie-dye that matches the one on her baby, and not get weird looks. One is the county fair. Another is Wal-Mart. Lucky for the reader, I do not have a photo of this event. The problem with the whole thing is that Wal-Mart did not have what we needed, thus necessitating a trip to Target. Now Target ain't exactly Saks, but it's also not the place that one typically sees Mommies and babies wearing coordinating togs. But I'm over it. To prove it, I've included random photos of Solomon. Wait, that doesn't make any sense; I just needed a bridge.
This has been a busy week. With Scott back at work, Solo's Ma and The Boy find themselves filling most moments with things other than making blog entries. Mostlly, it's the quotidian tasks of eating, cleaning, errands, and napping (not nearly enough of that last one) that fill our days. Fortunately, it doesn't mean that I've neglected to take photos, just that I haven't had the time to edit and post. There are two additional reasons for the dearth of entries this week. One is that I sent my camera in to Olympus because the processor is jacked. It was previously fixed by Olympus last winter, but apparently the fix didn't hold. When I called them about it they said that their work was guaranteed only for six months. I vowed to tell everyone I knew about their lousy service if they didn't fix the thing for free. Olympus made no promises, so I'll have to keep you posted as to how amenable they turn out to be. The other issue is that my freakin' computer won't load photos up to Blogspot. I have to use Scott's, which he happens to need for work. Thus, I am taking full advantage of the Mac being home for the weekend.
P.S. Thank's to Mama H and Fiona for sending along the cranky pants. I swear Solomon was actually cranky at the time I picked them out for him to wear.
Visualize Whirrled Peas
For Solomon's first meal that wasn't cereal, I thought I'd fix him up some smashed-up organic peas. No likey the peas; such a disappointment to Mommy. I'm not sure you can tell from the photos, but Solomon does like sweet potatoes (not to be confused with yams, which I understand are not yummy at all. Most people use the terms interchangably, but true yams are gernerally not available around here).
I've also gone over the edge and cooked up organic millet porridge. If it doesn't sound like a big deal, just try and find organic millet. Then one must grind the millet into powder. It was a big hit, but possibly because he doesn't know yet that it's so much better with butter and salt.
This post is about two different meanings of the word "fit". The first refers to Solomon and how he is quickly outgrowing things. Like the laundry basket. Since our bathroom scale only measures in 0.5-pound increments, it's hard to tell exactly how much The Boy weighs. But it's not hard to believe he's topping the scale at 18+ pounds, what with the second breakfasts and all.
The second kind of fit is the type that Solo's Ma no longer is. We started out for a run using the jogging stroller lent to us by a friend.
It wasn't that I couldn't run at all, but 15 minutes into the adventure, it turned into a walk. And not even the speed-walk variety. Mommy was tuckered out, as was Solomon, but in a different way. Documentation of before/after provided.