Wise Solomon and Lucky Penny
Who wouldn't want to be up to date on the cutest babies ever?
Polly Want A Cracker/Rice Cake?
Bath Day
It used to be hard for me to remember when bath day was due. Now it's easier because Solomon gets a bath the same day that we wash diapers. This is not a cause-->effect relationship, just to be clear.
How Baby Spends His Spare Time
Taking a bath.
Petting his dog.
Giving plushy animals mouth to mouth.
When Daddy Dresses Solomon
Scott actually bought this for The Boy.
Before Solomon showed up, Mili had to wear Daddy's hat.
There Is Nothing New Under The Sun
Solomon and his Ma seem to be a tad busy. Evidence: fewer photos and blog entries. It's not just that. Some of the issue is that the photos seems to be the same: Here's Solomon with a toy. Grinning. Naked. Wearing something cute. I don't know how it was that I seemed to have more time when Solomon was less independent. He's pretty skilled at playing on his own for several minutes now, but I'm pressed to even fix myself a lunch. There are only so many days that one can have two slices of mesquite smoked deli turkey wrapped around a slice of Tilamook cheddar, without feeling like a slacker. I actually bought a crock pot to cook my dinners for me.
I think part of my time management struggle is that Solomon sleeps less during the day, and one of those naps I often take with him. Which brings me to another time-robber: The Boy is more fun and I can't resist playing with him. Throw in three 4-midnight shifts and there's not a lot left.
I'm told that my expectations for myself are slightly elevated. I'm noticing that I have increased irritability. This is usually one of the symptoms about which I ask the patients in the Emergency Room, and identifying it in myself is a bit embarrassing.
But I digress. This is merely the justification for what I'm about to do/not do. My experiment for the next few weeks will be to post photos occasionally, but not so often and with minimal captioning. It occurs to me that I'm saying this here for my own benefit. Whatev.
He's Going To Get Everything He Wants
Can you blame me? Look at the kid.
Simple Things
Just some shots of The Boy and Me hanging out. He's easily entertained.
The More Things Change...
Solomon still loves diapy-free time. He really wishes he could crawl, but it just isn't happening for him yet. There's some benefit to a baby that more or less stays where placed.
Look Out Floyd Landis
This is perhaps the most unflattering photo of myself that I've yet to post (Believe me, there are worse ones in existence, but my vanity prevented them from making the blog). But I'm willing to share it so that you can see Solomon getting his first bicycle ride. We only went about four blocks before he started crying. He doesn't really dig the helmet, and I don't think it fits well, and I've considered letting him ride without it as long as we stay on the sidewalk. What do you think? I think maybe I should wait another month and try him on the bike again.